Our Story


Our Story

As the founding father of The Temper Heritage Collection,
I am proud to present this new range of products.

With our 25 years of experience in processing, manufacturing and installation of Solid Surface materials, we intend to bring back heirloom-products into people’s everyday lives.

We offer sustainable products that will stand the test of time, because they will be passed on from mother to daughter and from father to son. Our high quality products will tell a story from the moment you pass them on in your family.

In the modern day world almost every available product is designed and produced with a precalculated lifespan, mainly driven by commerce.

We however, are driven by passion. We design and produce sustainable heirlooms that will stand the test of time.

We welcome you on our website and we encourage you to visit frequently if you like keeping up with our latest Limited Edition products in the most exclusive colors.

Best regards,

Edwin Erkeland


Solid Surface Explained

Solid Surface material is originally a material developed for aerospace technology.

In the mid 60’s the U.S. government requested DuPont to develop a new product suitable for use in NASA’s Space Shuttle program. DuPont supplied a brand new material which was later used in the production of the first Space Shuttles.

This new developed material showed unprecedented characteristics. These very characteristics are still paramount in our choice for Solid Surface.

Solid Surface contains 75% natural minerals and pure acrylic, combined with aluminiumhydroxide.

Only the Best

Solid Surface’s characteristics:

Sustainable, antibacterial, strong and durable, fire restistant, highly hygienic, moisture and stain resistant, maintenance friendly, non-porous, marm, timeless, beautiful, robust, wear resistant, practical, repairable, environmentally friendly, biologically responisble, thermally deformable.

The amazing characteristics of the Solid Surface material form the basis for creating Temper-Heritage products!!

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